VMG Formula Kite Racing, Olympic Sailing Class TECHNOLOGYClosed-Cell Foil Kite SKILLSProfessional SIZES9 / 11 / 15 / 19 / 21 The VMG is designed to meet the requirements of Formula Kite Racing competitions. It was developed with the technological know-how of our...

SOUL … ahead of its time

https://vimeo.com/262014555 Right in time for Spring 2018, we present you a brand new FLYSURFER product line: SOUL The SOUL combines pure pleasure with FLYSURFER high-tech for extreme jump heights and inspires on every terrain. The flight feeling is precise and...

How To Tutorial Section

https://vimeo.com/album/1932870/video/267570150 New “How to Tutorials” have just been added to the FLYSURFER Kiteboarding channels. The FLYSURFER team & workshop specialists have created new “How to Tutorial” videos for you on FLYSURFER kite handling and...