Freestyle Kitefoiling

Ready for some freestyle & airstyle kite hydrofoiling? Check out FLYSURFER Kiteboarding rider Dylan van der Meij ripping on his Levitaz kitefoil in Uruguay with the SPEED5 and BOOST2. Throwing some new tricks in the mix!...

PEAK3 … Designer Talk

In this German spoken video Maxi Kühnhauser, from the FLYSURFER Research and Development Team, talks together with top-racer and fellow kite developer Benni Bölli, about the all-new PEAK3. In this tech talk video they explain you what the most important features and...

IKSURFMAG Reader Awards – Best Kitesurfing Video of 2016

FLYSURFER Kiteboarding is stoked to win the IKSURFMAG Reader Awards – Best Kitesurfing Video of 2016! IKSURFMAG writes: “The Best Video Award seems to get bigger every year, this year we had a record number of nominations from the judges; with so much more...

Split it Up!

Some crazy FLYSPLIT2 split kiteboard fun from Chile and Argentina with FLYSURFER Kiteboarding rider Dylan van der Meij. Traveling with kitegear has never been so easy! FLYSPLIT2 … For travel addicts!...

SONIC2 … Pure Lifestyle

Our vision at FLYSURFER is to fly as long & high as possible, the airstyle and big-air kite disciplines fit to that vision perfectly. “Pure Lifestyle” is a video project to showcase this kind of kiteboarding at its best. Whether in light wind or strong wind. See...