Jul 20, 2016 | Athletes, Events
Last week the first stop of the Kitefoil Goldcup 2016 took place in the south of Italy, to be specific on Hang Loose Beach in Gizzeria. With 62 competitors in total this was the most well attended hydrofoil kite racing event to date. Plus the event was the first stop...
Jul 4, 2016 | Athletes, Events
Last weekend saw the second round of the British Power Kite Tour, RAWKite take place at Pembrey Sands. The first round had had no wind and with a lighter than ideal forecast it was not looking great for this weekend too. FLYSURFER rider Craig Sparkes had not competed...
Jun 27, 2016 | Athletes, Events, Kites
Even if a FLYSURFER kite construction is officially approved for kite racing in the IKA class – Formula Kite, this does NOT mean that the kite itself is automatically IKA registered. This must be registered by the rider him/herself, so that he/she is allowed to...
Jun 16, 2016 | Events, Video
From now on, there is a cooperation between the German Maritime Search and Rescue Association (GMSRA) and FLYSURFER Kiteboarding. Each newly delivered FLYSURFER kite in Germany will be accompanied with a weatherproof identification sticker of the German Sea Rescue...