INTERVIEW Denjog – Earth without art is just “eh”

INTERVIEW Denjog – Earth without art is just “eh”

Life in the Chiemgau is quiet and influenced by tradition. One would think a young person in his mid-twenties prefers the big city as the center of their lives. Dani was born in Marquartstein and is homebound. He likes to spend time in his bubble and describes himself...
RADICAL – The size advisor and our first impression

RADICAL – The size advisor and our first impression

Our RADICAL product line not only shows the past two years through the eyes of our artists in an expressionist manner. It should also inspire its rider to break out of their patterns. It playfully strengthens your abilities and gives your riding new confidence. We...
Welcome to the R&D Team – Theo de Ramecourt

Welcome to the R&D Team – Theo de Ramecourt

Theo de Ramecourt is the reigning World Champion in the Formula Kite class and belongs to the French kite foil elite. In spring 2017 he signed his first contract as FLYSURFER Ambassador. He flies with our team to Chile for the video production of STOKE1 and becomes...
Everyday is a kiteday with Ernst Novak

Everyday is a kiteday with Ernst Novak

In 2009 the Skywalk Gmbh & co. KG advertised a position as “Head of Sales & Marketing FLYSURFER Kiteboarding”. Ernst Novak followed the call and shaped the FLYSURFER world with his team for almost 8 years. He led the innovation-driven German brand...
Was the PEAK initially built as a water kite?

Was the PEAK initially built as a water kite?

Reinhart Paelinck – FLYSURFER Kiteboarding R&D 2011-2016 Our former colleague Reinhart Paelinck is a mindful and creative character, a person who inspired my personal thinking. He graduated with a Master in Product Development with his thesis on the conceptual...