Flying over Thailand FLYSURFER Kiteboarding rider Dylan van der Meij had a brilliant time in Thailand earlier this year. Check his new video edit, including freestyle moves on his Levitaz cruizer foil!

Barra Bliss Drums please… A sick new movie edit just dropped! Check out FLYSURFER Kiteboarding rider Dylan van der Meij showing the versatility of our all-new closed cell foilkite, the SOUL in the lagoons at Barra Nova, Brazil.

#SOUL SESSION Soul session with FLYSURFER Kiteboarding rider Dylan van der Meij, being creative, sharing the stoke and exploring boundaries together with Lasse Walker!

What Passion is About? It’s about happiness, challenges, dreams, adventures, failure and fear… It’s about everything that makes US feel ALIVE. Join FLYSURFER Kiteboarding rider Alina Shalin, looking back on an epic summer in Mauritius riding our STOKE and...

Snowkite Dimension Winter season 2018/2019 started early November in the French Alps, Laurent Guyot AKA Lolo BSD was in the starting blocks to be the first to shred these fresh white mountains with the latest FLYSURFER Kiteboarding gear. Are you ready for a...